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1. A full description of the subject matter 2. Year when painted - (approx) 3. Where it was purchased 4. Original purchase price 5. Ownership 6. A high resolution digital photo by email or a hard copy sent to : Tony Crosse,The Applehouse Studios, Aldon Lane, OFFHAM,, ME19 5PH, England, U.K. - please include a self-addressed envelope and cost of return postage (not stamps). If you want to eventually sell your painting you'll need : 1. high resolution digital photo (300 dpi if possible) 2. taken in daylight. 3. Avoid using flash as this reflects off the varnished surface and please 4. watch for shadows from surrounding objects. 5. photo of the whole picture square on. This is essential, before any professional assessment can be made. If you are thinking of selling paintings, prints or drawings, photos are always very relevant to a good sale. When an interested collector is unable to view the work first hand, photos can provide valuable information including : Condition, Originality, and Media. Once I have the photos I'll let you know how to go ahead and get a Certificate of Authenticity and a valuation. 7. Amount you would like to realize 88
8. Tips for taking a good photo :a position |